Reporting Day 5


After our breakfast, we had our usual activities, dancing and singing together and moreover being in a circle and sharing anything from only a good morning up to our emotions. The topic of the day was feelings and we started with a game: participants tried to reproduce the facial expression of the people next to them, then everyone had to pick from two envelopes one sentence and a feeling and try again to express it by reading the sentence. The trainers gave us an inventory of feelings and we had to choose five emotions that described our emotional state.

After that, we were divided into two lines facing each other and each pair one by one had to make a conversation only with questions, being disqualified if they answered with a sentence. Finally, we formed two groups of three volunteers, each person had assigned roles and had to express three emotions they picked from the previously mentioned envelopes.

After lunch, in the afternoon, we formed four groups of five and the goal of this exercise was for everyone to be able to share a story of a challenging or complex situation in their lives, in order to gain a different perspective or advice from people with different life experiences. In order for everyone to have enough time to express their feelings properly, the time allotted was 2 hours, and we shared our experiences and we discussed the feelings that occurred.

Later on, all the participants were divided into their respective groups and prepared their national dishes for the intercultural dinner. When we all gathered at the plenary, people presented their dishes. Everyone enjoyed the food; it was a great party and we finished the night with some dancing and games.


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