Reporting Day 7

After almost an intense week the project is reaching its end… End? Is this the end or is it a start of a new journey in our lives after understanding better ourselves and others? This is exactly what it is, a new start for all of us who gained knowledge, learned new tools, and shared experiences with other people coming from different backgrounds. The group is really connected so the last day in Strengberg is surrounded by mixed feelings.

The day starts with breakfast, community service, and care where people enjoyed the last day with their small teams. Then lots of dancing and the last reconnection circle, maybe the most important and powerful one since it includes the whole experience after a week where people came closer and felt more comfortable and more assertive compared to the first days. It is so nice listening to all the beautiful souls sharing their feelings and what they gained during this project. A powerful moment when all the group gathers, facilitators, participants, organizing team, and after sharing a few words each, the singing moment arrives with our lovely voices and the company of the two guitars. The group sings all the songs sung every morning and chooses their favorite one which is definitely “Ain’t Gonna Study War No More”. The torch is passed on to the follow-ups, the final evaluation of the project, and the group photo which is finally taken.
After lunch, the group has the opportunity, to sum up, what happened during the training course and clear up. Everybody is present and involved in this final procedure. Then it’s time for the last self-care and regulation and dinner.

In the evening a big celebration with the whole group, one more chance to chat, dance, have fun and interact in every possible way. The night will fall and the village will go to sleep in the disco room, the monastery room, the gym room, the in-between, the pirate room, and the princess room and will wake up the next morning. Everybody is there, alive and present for a few more minutes, or hours, ready to depart for new adventures after having taken in their luggage knowledge, experiences, tools, and new friends. Ready to spread the word regarding what they lived when they will go back to their countries or even to new places that they will visit. See you soon wonderful souls somewhere around the world!


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