Report Day 2
We started the day AS usual with our morning routine. Dancing - every day it's getting less awkward, bet the song "Because I'm happy" felt neverending. Then we shared our thoughts and feelings about the day before in the reconnection. Which was followed by The Daily singing. This time we sang "Down by the riverside" and started a new tradition of calling "Maaaarcuuuuus!" After the song professor, Michi explained how to separate the trash. We hope to improve because he gave us 6/10. Then we did something in a circle. And cats were running around. Everyone really looooooooved the cats. The first exercise of the day was talking gibberish - communicating in groups of four using sounds instead of language. The begging was challenging but after a while, we found that gestures and intonation were helpful. When someone left the group and a new person joined, the dynamics of the group changed. Our other senses were heightened so we felt tur change more than when using words. Then the trainers offered five sentences to finish and reflect on: I listen best, when... It's hard for me to listen, when... I cannot listen to/when... I feel listened to, when... I don't feel heard, when... After solo reflections, we discussed these topics in groups. Some insights were: - Safe space is important for listening and feeling heard. - Empathy is also important. - Engagement, and connection is important. - First, we have to listen to our needs to be good listeners and to be able to give our presence and undivided attention. Coming back to the circle we all shared when we feel most listeners to and the trainers followed with some key insights, for example, that when someone is sharing about their issues just listening and acknowledging or mirroring their experience, emotions, opinions, etc is more helpful than giving advice. After the wonderful lunch (lentils with lime!!!) prepared by the masterful kitchen team (THANK YOU!) we continued with a meditation exercise so as to learn to listen to our bodies and be in the moment, here and now with everything we feel in our bodies. The exercise we were most excited about was mindful eating because we got to really enjoy chocolate using all our senses again and being thankful for all the resources that went into creating this piece of VEGAN chocolate. Turns out even vegan chocolate tastes nice. ;) Chocolate has never smelled and tasted so good. Mindfulness can bring a lot of joy and new ways news how to experience things we are used to. We continued by listening to our bodies through dance - going with the flow. The weather took part in the exercise - the wind was howling and we felt more connected with nature, ourselves, and with each other. The last and most challenging part was witnessing our partners dancing and supporting their dance as well as being witnessed. Usually, we feel awkward or pressured to perform when others see us dance. Also this time. But
then we found more freedom through listening to our bodies. We closed the day with coregulation through massage where the crucial point was communication. Awesome dinner - pumpkin soup and cheesy garlic bread! Love! The night ended with several rounds of werewolf whereas it turned out listening to each other was also crucial!
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